Sunday, September 11, 2011

Croissant Bread Pudding with Bananas

3 baked croissants, day-old or frozen
2 overripe bananas, sliced

3 egg yolks
1 egg
1 2/3 cups heavy whipping cream
1 2/3 cups milk
1/3 cup sugar
2 tablespoons brown sugar
2 tablespoons maple syrup
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
¼ teaspoon cinnamon
Pinch of salt

Cut croissants into cubes and slice bananas. Mix croissant cubes and sliced bananas together and place in an 8”x8” dish. Whisk all other ingredients in a bowl. Pour over croissants and bananas (not all of mixture will be needed). Soak croissants for 15 minutes.

Bake at 350F for 50 minutes. Serve topped with powdered sugar.

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